On My Way to Somewhere Else
I am a dreamer. I like to plan grand and outlandish goals for the future. Making these goals happen is just the byproduct for me. Planning and dreaming is where I get the rush. This thinking keeps me constantly working on the "next big thing".
This has been a driving passion within me for as long as I can remember. I don't why or where it came from. It is simply who I am.
I think most of this stems from my wish to drastically improve the world around me. I am never content with where I am or what I am doing. It is never enough, and that is a problem.
Anyone can see that mindset and view is 1) not healthy and 2) not sustainable. I will wear myself out and never truly find contentment.
In essence, I am on my way to somewhere else. The present is nice, but I rarely notice it. I am looking at next week, next month, next year, and beyond. I want to have my life planned out. Maybe you feel the same way.
I have missed far to many "todays" planning for "tomorrow". I am tired of it. I spend all day scheduling meetings and dreaming for tomorrow instead of living the goals that I set out for today.
Failure to live in the present and find contentment will take its toll. It has been a personal struggle for years.
What I want to know is do you have suggestions for ways to make living today more fulfilling than planning for tomorrow?