Dealing with Disappointment

Not everything will turn out as you want it too. Disappointment is part of life.

I spent hours planning, coordinating, and organizing an event that had remarkable potential. It seemed like everything was lining up for this to turn into a great success. This is where it stopped though, potential. It never formulated into action.

The event happened. It was a complete flop.

Growth can come out of this experience, but right now the knowledge to be obtained seems to be overtaken by the negative emotions inside me. I want to keep a positive attitude about it, but that is much easier said than done.

Entrenched in the bad experience was one sliver of hope that I am trying to hold on to. I got the opportunity to talk to a man about his walk with Christ for about 15 minutes. While this was not on my agenda for the day, maybe this connection with a former stranger could be the reason why the events unfolded like they did.

This is a topic where I have little insight. I am interested to hear, how do you deal with disappointments in your life?